Wednesday Nights

Another fun filled day for me (the sarcasm just rolls off, doesn’t it?) But really, the day started off too early for me to remember. I had my third interview, then promptly headed to Joe’s and passed out for the remainder of the day.

My “day” actually started out around 6 pm – starting with a couple of my shoe projects that had been waiting (separate post about that coming right up). Then it was time to head off to Walmart since CJ called me to autograph his card. Just kidding, it’s Taylor (CJ’s girlfriend)’s big 18th birthday, and he wanted as many people to sign it as possible. Cue me to the rescue!

After a quick stop at In-n-Out for some much needed nourishment, I headed to Billy’s house, where he, Brandon and Patrick were waiting. Now what we actually do is pretty hush-hush (though completely legal, I assure you), I can tell you it involves a lot of brainstorming and computers. There, I finally met the other Joe, who was also kind enough to supply us with some fantabulous jerky.

Midnight and a half comes, and it’s finally time to head home – seeing as it’s a Wednesday and I was due for a visit from the food-and-movie bearing godfather of the kitchen. What will he bring this poor child tonight??

And… in pops the Cloud Atlas (extremely long, but well worth it), a big bowl of salsa and chips, and some delicious noodles. I’m a spoiled girlfriend, and I’m not ashamed to admit it.

As it is, the current time is 7:10 am, and I have yet to feel the prickly tendrils of sleep. In the in-between of the movie and Joe snoring peacefully on my bed, I have managed to complete one project. Yes, I shall definitely pass out happily tonight (or this morning).

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