Puppy Treats

Today, I realized I could finally try something new – making some healthy, yummy, dog treats! I found a fairly easy recipe: bananas, peanut butter, whole wheat flour… not necessarily *just* for dogs too. Aida and I had some, they taste like wheat bagels 😀


Anyway, it only takes an hour to make them, but not having cookie cutters made it a bit hard to make them fast. Here’s how they turned out! I ended up using a piping tip, which made nicely sized treats.20130831_14181620130831_14280420130831_160817

All in all, I ended up with about 3/4 of a can of oatmeal’s worth. I tried them out with the cats, too. Syd turned up her nose, but Leo had no problem diving into it.

What about Anastasia? Well, she absolutely loved it! We’ve been using it as a reward, and she FINALLY pottied outside! So far, so good.